August 11, 2024
My Writing Journey Begins: Welcome to My Author Website

Hello and welcome to my author website. My name is Richard and I’m thrilled to have you here. 

Ever since I paid for my author website, I’ve been wondering about what I would post on it. But after two months, I still don’t have a clear idea, so I decided to just write something, as long as it is straight from the heart.

I grew up in a house filled with books, where I had unfettered access to all kinds of literature. Since then I’ve been an avid reader with a wide reading taste that cuts across thrillers, science fiction, fantasy, literary and general fiction. Of course, I’m not averse to good romance and poetry.

Nowadays, I particularly love to read very engaging stories that have a driven hero or heroine who is doing his or her best to defeat evil, regardless of winning or losing. Those are the kinds of stories I enjoy writing, and I hope my readers will derive the same enjoyment from my books as I had from writing them.

I’ve always wanted to write stories that entertain readers as much as those I’ve read. I wrote several when I was a teenaer, which I still have but don’t even want to talk about. Now, I enjoy writing thrillers, science fiction, fantasy, and  general fiction, mostly from the African perspective. 

After nearly 17 years of service, I applied for a discharge from the Nigerian army in December 2012, and returned to the university. After that, I began writing my first novel in earnest and completed an 85, 000 word amoeba of a manuscript in 3 months, and eventually wrote 12 full-length novels, 4 novellas, and 2 short stories. These initial stories remain unpublished. 

I know many writers don’t share their early works because they think it isn’t good enough. But my early work is part of my journey as a writer and shouldn’t be discarded but put out there too. Therefore, I’ve decided to self-publish all of them one by one so that I can move on to newer stories. This will give me the opportunity to apply what I’ve learned through writing half a million words of fiction, and critiquing over 571 books as a freelance beta reader. 

Aside from publishing my initial works, I’m writing a story that I simply must tell, a novel titled The Juju Man. This story has been simmering in me since I was about 13 years old. It explores the connection between superstition, Pentecostal Christianity, and corruption in Nigeria. In the story, the main character, Musa, a juju man’s apprentice, is in search of redemption after breaking a taboo deemed heinous by his community. When a bullet charm fails, Musa flees with a mysterious woman who holds the key to his salvation and doom. To rescue his own soul, he must break her spell and face his past… I strongly believe that I will publish Juju Man between November and December 2024.  

On this website, I will share updates on my latest projects, insights into my writing process, and a few personal stories along the way. Whether you’re a fellow writer, an avid reader, or just curious about my work, I hope you'll find something here that resonates with you. 

Through this space, I’ll also be sharing any new projects I’m working on. So, expect sneak peaks, exclusive content, and behind the scenes looks at my writing journey, and whatever catches my fancy as a writer.

I’d love to hear from you, so leave a comment, share your thoughts, or subscribe to my newsletter for updates. I value your time and will try to keep the emails straight to the point, and informative.

Thanks for joining me on this journey.

Warm regards,
